Book and manage any resource in your office
Plugin Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Teams
Mobile app
Web app
Touch panels
URVE Others is a versatile digital solution that will allow employees to reserve any resource or item in a company’s space.
Ways to use URVE Others in an organization are plentiful and it has virtually no limitations. The system will be great for booking and keeping records of company cars, bicycles, or scooters. You can also book and rent electronic equipment or even software licenses.
Implementing the URVE Others system in your organization will enable you to effectively automate the process of reserving resources that are vital to your company’s operations. Employees will be provided with convenient tools for making reservations and managing resources. The administrator will quickly register resources/objects in the system and will be able to manage them easily.
URVE Others is equipped with many useful features to support teamwork. All this puts in your hands a full-fledged system for booking and managing resources in your organization, so necessary in a hybrid work environment.
What URVE Others can help you with:
Pool car, scooters, company bicycles
The lack of a system for booking cars or other means of transportation can cause quite a bit of chaos among employees. In URVE Others, you can add any means of transportation, allow reservations for a limited time or no limit, and finally draw conclusions by reviewing statistics.
Appliances and electronics
Do you provide your employees with laptops to work from home? Or do they need specialised equipment to do work outside the office? Add these and similar devices to URVE Others and keep track of who has borrowed them and for how long. You can take advantage of QR codes by placing them on the equipment. .
Do you use sophisticated and expensive software in your work, and your budget only allows for a limited number of licenses? Allow your employees to quickly check the availability of a particular software and easily reserve it when they actually need it.
Any other items
Do your employees also use company stuff outside the office? Or do you conduct door-to-door sales and your agents book demo equipment? URVE Others doesn’t limit your imagination, but it allows you to safely oversee rentals within your organization.
Operation from a phone or computer
resources can be reserved from the mobile app as well as via a web browser
Communication through push notifications
you will not forget any upcoming bookings, and the administrator or team manager will send important messages to selected people
QR code support
an employee can make a reservation of a resource and confirm it by scanning a QR code
Integration with Microsoft 365
employees can log on to the system with their Microsoft accounts and use Outlook and Teams for bookings
Integrations with other systems
full automation of the company's business processes thanks to the integration of URVE Others with administrative and HR systems
Extensive configuration options
the system administrator can easily establish booking rules for selected items/resources according to the company's established working model
2200+ projects
wordwide delivered using the URVE platform
3200+ desks
are managed by Smart Office launched in one of the international banks
20 000+ workstations
the number of our clients’ resources that increased in URVE Smart Office within 18 months
500 LOBO screens
are used by one of the largest companies in the insurance industry
21 % better accessibility
the increase of conference room accessibility in companies that actively use the URVE reservation system
14 minutes
we implemented our system for one of our clients within such a short time
Software as a Service (SaaS)
involves the provision of cloud-based software to the client. We manage the application, its development and updates, the client does not need to do anything.
System on Premise (SoP)
is a model where the application is installed on the client’s hardware and infrastructure. We manage the development of the solution and the client’s IT department manages the maintenance and updates.
If you would like access to the product section and for the support team to conduct an online sectionnstration of the product features, please fill out this form or contact by e-mail: >The demo is completely free of charge. If you have any technical questions or deployment concerns, they will also be answered.
We will answer all your questions
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Das System für Büroreservierungen URVE Smart Office ist das Ergebnis der mehrjährigen Erfahrung von Eveo Sp. z o.o. bei der Durchführung von Projekten für die größten Kunden in Polen und weltweit.
Die Plattform URVE fördert seit 2008 erfolgreich Unternehmen bei der Verwaltung von Büroräumen und liefert wirksame Werkzeuge zur Optimierung der Ressourcennutzung. Viele Kunden haben uns ihr Vertrauen geschenkt und unsere interaktiven Panels für die LOBO – Reservierungen werden heute in über 5000 Konferenzräumen verwendet.
Die Anschrift
Case Study
Copyright © 2022 URVE Smart Office
Copyright © 2022 URVE Smart Office