Number of employees:
600 (200 per shift)
No IT system to manage the lockers of employees working in 3 shifts
URVE Smart Locker
Smart Locker hardware
Smart Locker software
Read more about hardware:
Read more about software:
The company has changed traditional lockers for URVE Smart Locker managed by touch panels and RFID cards. After 3 months of using several employees noticed many benefits:
🗄️Optimizing locker usage: URVE Smart Locker has allowed the company to have fewer lockers than the number of employees per shift, optimizing locker usage. This has saved the company money while ensuring that every employee has access to a locker.
🤖Automation in locker management: With Smart Locker, the company has automated locker management tasks such as managing the arrival to work, leaving work, or holidays of an employee. This has helped to reduce the workload of the HR department and improve overall efficiency.
🔑Easier locker operation: The system eliminates the need for employees to have a key or access code to use the lockers, which has made it easier for them to operate the lockers.
💰Cost optimization: Smart Locker has led to complete automation of locker operations, leading to cost optimization for the company.
🚪Flexibility: Smart Locker has allowed the company to assign multiple employees to a single locker, which has provided more flexibility in managing locker usage.
🕰️ Time-based access: Smart Locker has allowed the company to define access to lockers according to time periods for employee shifts, allowing the possibility of using one locker for employees from different shifts. This has helped to optimize locker usage and save the company money.
🧷Integrations: Smart Locker has integrated with other systems used by the company such as work time registration, access control, human resources systems, and user databases, such as Microsoft Active Directory. This integration has helped the company to streamline its operations and achieve better results.
Components of the Smart Locker solution
10″ touch screen for users
RFID card reader
Energy-efficient ARM computer
Control unit for up to 64 locks
High-quality locks
Machine protection in case of power failure
Booking and opening lockers via mobile app
The Smart Locker solution can be integrated with the URVE Smart Office booking application.
Read more about it here:
Employees were given access to a locker
Eelectronic lockers have appeared in the company’s
That’s how much more time employees save
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Das System für Büroreservierungen URVE Smart Office ist das Ergebnis der mehrjährigen Erfahrung von Eveo Sp. z o.o. bei der Durchführung von Projekten für die größten Kunden in Polen und weltweit.
Die Plattform URVE fördert seit 2008 erfolgreich Unternehmen bei der Verwaltung von Büroräumen und liefert wirksame Werkzeuge zur Optimierung der Ressourcennutzung. Viele Kunden haben uns ihr Vertrauen geschenkt und unsere interaktiven Panels für die LOBO – Reservierungen werden heute in über 5000 Konferenzräumen verwendet.
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Case Study
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Copyright © 2022 URVE Smart Office