URVE Smart Locker

electronic locker systems without the need for keys

URVE Smart Locker provides users with 5 integrated with each other reservation methods .

Logo outlook

Plugin Microsoft Outlook

Logo Teams

Microsoft Teams

ikona telefon

Mobile application

ikona desktop

Web application

ikona touch

Touch panels

URVE Locker

URVE Smart Locker

Smart Locker is a locker booking application that can be integrated with the locker door opener for electronic lockers. The system takes care of the optimal use of lockers by employees and provides administrators with convenient locker management tools. The versatility of the module allows not only the booking of employee lockers, but also the operation and management of office parcel machines and the provision of lockers to couriers. Smart Locker will also find application in deposit systems, e.g. as a key depository.

In Smart Locker:

  • you reserve in advance the locker of your choice
  • open the locker with the app or QR code
  • you will receive a push notification when your reservation is ending
  • extend your locker reservation if needed

How does it work?

Operation from phone or computer

you can book a locker from the mobile app as well as via the web browser application

Communication via push notifications

you will not forget any upcoming bookings, and the administrator or team manager will send important messages to selected people

Integration with electronic lockers

an employee can use an app, RFID card or access code to open an electronic locker

Integration with Microsoft 365

employees can log on to the system with their Microsoft accounts and use Outlook and Teams for bookings

Displaying information on screens

allows any multimedia content to be displayed if required

Extensive configurator

The system administrator can easily establish booking rules for selected lockers according to the hybrid working model

Dlaczego URVE Locker to idealne rozwiązanie dla Twojego biura?

  1. Inteligentne szafki pracownicze to odpowiedź na wyzwania nowoczesnej przestrzeni produkcyjnej i biurowej, jak i wszechobecnej pracy hybrydowej.

  2. Wybierając URVE Locker zapomnisz o zgubionych kluczach, czy zapomnianych szyfrach. Zyskasz też łatwość relokacji pracownika, swobodę wyboru i współdzielenie szafki oraz pełną kontrolę nad przestrzenią, którą zarządzasz.

  3. Dodaj do tego rozbudowę systemu o rezerwację biurek, sal konferencyjnych i miejsc parkingowych, a dasz swoimi pracownikom intuicyjne rozwiązanie, którego oczekiwali od dawna.

  4. Nasze rozwiązania Digital Signage (zarządzenia treściami multimedialnymi na ekranach) oraz zestaw aplikacji biurowych URVE Room, Desk, Park i Locker służą od lat w korporacjach i miejscach użyteczności publicznej i cieszą się doskonałą opinią, co potwierdzają otrzymane referencje.

Why can you count on us?

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2200+ projects

based on the URVE platform worldwide

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3200+ desks

supports the Smart Office system implemented in an international bank

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20 000+ posts

in 18 months, the number of URVE Smart Office resources at our clients has increased by this amount

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21 % improved accessibility

the availability of meeting rooms has increased so much in companies that actively use the URVE booking system

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14 minutes

in such a short time we have carried out the implementation of the system at one of our clients

We have delivered our solutions to more than 2,200 companies

Wdrożenie systemu URVE Locker krok po kroku

Analiza projektowa oraz ustalenie potrzeb klienta

Zaprojektowanie szafek i dobór odpowiedniego rozwiązania



Models of cooperation

Software as a Service (SaaS)

is to make your organisation’s software available in the cloud. Maintaining the operation of the application, developing and updating it is our responsibility and you do not have to worry about anything.

System on Premise (SoP)

is a model in which the application is installed on the buyer’s hardware and infrastructure. In this case, the development of the application is our responsibility, while maintenance and updates are the responsibility of your IT department.

Do you have questions? You may find the answers below:

Yes, you can add users from outside your company and limit their rights.

There is no such limitation, you can add as many as you like.

If Smart Office is integrated with Microsoft systems, your employees will authenticate with their domain login and password, you don’t have to create users again. If you create users directly in the system, it all depends on the number of users. When you have many of them, ask us for support in this area.

Yes, the cabinets have such an emergency opening system.

In both cases, security stands at the highest level and is based on stringent security and data processing standards, encrypted communication or two-step user authentication. Particular emphasis is placed on the mobile application, which undergoes stringent OWASP tests from time to time.

If we will be implementing the solution in your IT environment (SoP), then prepare: 

– a dedicated Windows server, may be virtual; 
– the domain under which the application will be available; 
– and an SSL certificate for that domain to ensure secure communication. .

If you opt for a subscription (SaaS), all the work is on our side and your system will be waiting for you at the agreed time.

Depending on the deployment option chosen, the server may be on your infrastructure or will be provided by us, as part of a SaaS service.