URVE Smart Locker

electronic locker systems without the need for keys

Smart Locker is a comprehensive ALL-IN-ONE solution

ekran dotykowy w szafce

Touch screen and app for users

Simple application for touch panel allows intuitive managing of lockers, displaying messages and even adding corporate branding

użycie szafki elektronicznej

Hardware for automatic locker control

specialized hardware is responsible for opening and closing lockers, managing RFID cards and allow lockers to be controlled from the mobile app and other interfaces

Urve webmanager

Control panel for locker configuration

with a functional control panel, the administrator can configure and manage the lockers from one place without the need to be physically present at the locker

Logo Urve Locker

Case study: RFID card-opening lockers in a multi-shift workplace

How does it work?

Lockers can be opened using a RFID card or phone

employees can use their phones or the same access card they use to open the external or internal doors

Booking by a mobile phone or a computer

lockers can be booked and managed using a mobile app or a dedicated web application

Displaying information on screens

it is possible to display any multimedia content when screens are not in use

Integrations with other systems

URVE Smart Office can be integrated with many other systems like access control, BMS, Microsoft Active Directory

Remote locker management

a system administrator receives the tools for easy locker configuration and management

Easy relocation of lockers between workplaces

you can easily move lockers with a relevant database to a different location

One locker for multiple tasks

Storage solution for employees in office

Package delivery for employees by couriers and postmen

Smart Locker is an universal solution for any workplace.

Do you have custom needs?
No problem. We can help you

Various uses of the Smart Locker

smart lockers

Lockers for office

Are you looking for a way to safely store important documents or private belongings in the office? Would you like to hand a package over to your colleague? Use smart office lockers controlled by an app.

szafki dla pracowników zakłądów produkcyjnych

Lockers for production facilities

No more lost keys or codes that get easily forgotten! A smart locker assigned by the administrator can be opened with an access control card, which can also be shared by different shifts.

paczkomat dla pracowników

Parcel and post lockers for employees

No time to collect a parcel and the courier is waiting? Do you want to pass a parcel to a colleague, but you work on different shifts? Smart parcel distribution with URVE Locker helps manage these problems intuitively.



Are you waiting for an important guest and there is a queue at the front desk? URVE e-reception allows guests to announce their arrival, it notifies the meeting coordinator about their arrival, and the administrative office will no longer be surprised by unexpected visits.

szafki dla szkół

Lockers for schools and universities

Students need to carry all their belongings with them at the university and cannot enjoy learning? Use Smart URVE Lockers that open with a student ID card. No more lost keys or forgotten codes for locks!

szatnie na siłowniach i basenach

Lockers for swimming pools and fitness centres

Say goodbye to lost keys and forgotten codes for locks. Say hello to smart lockers that can be opened using a RFID tag and managed through a browser. Open all lockers with one button to disinfect them easily.


Storage solutions for offices and production facilities

Do you provide tools to your employees? Or perhaps you use pull-cars? Automate these tasks with a smart URVE Locker system and help your employees avoid waiting on their supervisors.

Contact us to discuss all the possibilities

Why URVE Locker is a perfect solution for your office?

  1. Smart employee lockers are the solution to address the challenges of modern production and office space as well as of a wide-spread hybrid work model.


  2. If you choose URVE Locker, you will no longer be facing the problem of lost keys or forgotten codes, and you will be able to easily relocate your employees. It gives you the freedom to choose and share lockers, and the full control of the managed space.


  3. Add system extension options such as booking of desks, conference rooms and parking lots, and give your employees a long desired intuitive solution.


  4. Our Digital Signage system (multimedia content management for screens) and office applications such as URVE Room, Desk, Park and Locker have been used in corporations and locations of public use for many years, and have an excellent reputation proven by feedback from our clients

You can rely on us

urve favicon

2200+ projects

wordwide delivered using the URVE platform

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3200+ desks

are managed by Smart Office launched in one of the international banks

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20 000+ workstations

the number of our clients’ resources that increased in URVE Smart Office within 18 months

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21 % better accessibility

the increase of conference room accessibility in companies that actively use the URVE reservation system

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14 minutes

we implemented our system for one of our clients within such a short time

We have completed over 2200 projects for major companies

Step-by-step implementation of URVE Locker

Project analysis and agreeing on the client needs

Design of lockers and selection of the appropriate solution

Project quote

Implementation of the solution

We cooperate with the largest furniture manufacturers in the Central Europe

Cooperation models

Software as a Service (SaaS)

involves the provision of cloud-based software to the client. We manage the application, its development and updates, the client does not need to do anything.

System on Premise (SoP)

is a model where the application is installed on the client’s hardware and infrastructure. We manage the development of the solution and the client’s IT department manages the maintenance and updates.

Try a free, full-featured demo of URVE Smart Office before you decide

Urve Smart Office na ekranie komórki

If you would like access to the product demo and for the support team to conduct an online demonstration of the product features, please fill out this form or contact by e-mail:

The demo is completely free of charge. If you have any technical questions or deployment concerns, they will also be answered.

Urve Smart Office na ekranie komórki

We will answer all your questions

Get in touch with us!

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Masz pytania? Może poniżej znajdziesz odpowiedzi:

Yes, you can add external users and restrict their rights

Unauthorized Access
Note : You need to upgrade your permissions to Editor or Administrator level to update this option.

There is no limit, you can add any number of users.

Unauthorized Access
Note : You need to upgrade your permissions to Editor or Administrator level to update this option.

If Smart Office is going to be integrated with Microsoft systems, your employees will use their domain logins and passwords, so there is no need to create new users. If you create users directly in the system, it will depend on how many users you have. If there are many users, ask how we can support you with this.

Unauthorized Access
Note : You need to upgrade your permissions to Editor or Administrator level to update this option.

Yes, lockers have an emergency-opening system.

Unauthorized Access
Note : You need to upgrade your permissions to Editor or Administrator level to update this option.

In both models, the security is of the highest possible standard and is based on the most demanding data safety and security requirements, encrypted communication, or two-step user authorisation. We place special emphasis on the mobile app, which undergoes strict OWASP testing from time to time.

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Note : You need to upgrade your permissions to Editor or Administrator level to update this option.

If you want the solution to be implemented in your IT environment (SoP), please prepare:

  • A designated server with a Windows system, can be a virtual environment;
  • A domain to make the application available; 
  • A SSL certificate for this domain to ensure the security of communications.

If you decide to go for a subscription model (SaaS), we do all the work and your system will be ready within the agreed time frame.

Unauthorized Access
Note : You need to upgrade your permissions to Editor or Administrator level to update this option.

Depending on the implementation variant, the server can be located in your infrastructure, or we can provide the server, if you choose the Saas model.

Unauthorized Access
Note : You need to upgrade your permissions to Editor or Administrator level to update this option.